Friday, February 27, 2015


Daddy had school today - and they had agreed last night she could watch a certain movie about Kung Fu style fighting as she  has been practicing with a staff on her own to try and needed to see more 'material'.

10a    - hair care
10.15    - PE (200x jumping jacks, 20x 10lb deadlift)
10.30a    - dragon city
10.45a    - matific
11.15a    - dictionary exploring
11.30    - break

12.30    - town & stores
--They researched palette knives like are used in the Joy of Painting episodes, and other supplies.  They looked at and bought heavier weights for her weight lifting set.
1p    - break

1.30p    - PE (30x 20lb bench, 10x 20lb squats)
1.45p    - Movie: "Legend of Drunken Master"
3.30p    - break

She is downstairs playing with the Speak and Spell now, which we had finally gotten batteries for after they had come to town to get me at work.  Mark watched the outtakes to Drunken Master with Esme, too - and proved her these were real people, who make mistakes, and get hurt - and they also helped each other out, laughed etc...  We got Big Hero 6 and she has watched that twice.

Weekend off!  For everyone :)
I'm trying not to get a sinus infection and spend some time sitting in bed knitting a new pair of socks.  

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