Esme has had strep throat, we're trying to power through it with antibiotics and food and rest - but she has had to go to school because of changes in attendance policy. They gave her one day off to start antibiotics - then she had to go back even though she feels awful. I don't get modern education on this one - only a hard number of days to be absent, for their bottom line etc. I hate having to send her in sick but they've already sent me a letter this year saying she is at warning level *angry face* from being sick in December with a sinus infection.
I will have to work the weekend - I'm trying not to be sick myself, and that winter Ice storm did a doozy on our budget for this month, so I've tried to pull my head out of that.
strung up a new frame to try again to make the bag I was going to make out of the neon colored one. The neon one is a big favorite now of our cat, Lyffan - so I've decided to let her have it. It went through the washing machine once already and was really soft and nice after that, especially. This blue one is already a third of the way woven, but I gave it up for a bit because it gets that hitch between my shoulder blades hurting when I do it for so long. I hyperbole'd that it would 'take me a month' but on average, yes.. I put it up for several days because of the pain in my shoulder and then work and life happens and that adds more days to a week -- and then I pick it back up again and continue.
I feel like I've 'been away again' in a couple of dreams that had lasted for more days and weeks -- it's just a feeling though, but confusing at times. Started watching Farscape again yesterday, partially because that feeling that I've been transported elsewhere, to another time, another place, among different people and tried to figure out what to do about it, and all I could do was go through and finally wake back up at the end of the dream. Quite a bit like that weaving experience - the real world just 'picks back up' and I know the difference but when I'm inside the dream I know the difference too, I just can't pinch myself and wake up and have to keep trying to make it work even though the logic of dream worlds is slightly off - languages and maps and books... apparently my brain just has to have a field day, especially when I'm probably also fighting a cold or bug the same as Esme has.
I started making this little brown bag after seeing the pattern of Aeryn Sun's shirt. I think it's supposed to be 'chainmail' and it is from season 1 episode . It came up remarkably fast because it's all mesh (seen below tv picture I screenshotted because there was nothing online that showed it)
I think I'll just make another square and make it into another type of market bag with a strap on top. I also had to sew back on another button this morning and got to that.
The other book bag pattern from the round basket style - finished this one that had been on my basket for a long time - it had only been lacking the handle.
nap zone cats
another language progression chart - I've been doing French mostly the past two months, did a lot of Japanese study last year. This morning, I broke back into Catalan a little (because of those dreams, some were 'French but not French' and Catalan is between Spanish and French) and was expecting it to break my brain like Spanish did last week (I loaded up Spanish and said 'no thank you' after a few minutes last week). The Catalan wasn't bad at all, I remembered so much, just a few spelling errors.
Numerical from the chart:
Language : May 2023 vs.---Feb 2024 : DuoLingo Level
French : 35118, -----45427, 25+
Welsh : 26131, -------27991, 24
Spanish : 20573----- 24416, 23
Japanese : 6294------14292, 19
Czech : 12274----12579, 18
Romanian : 9508----10270, 16
Portuguese : 9318---9632, 16
Italian : 6867---7544, 15
Greek : 6502----6810, 14
Catalan : xxnodata---3474, 11
(plus about 10 other languages, but still)
German : 5837, 13
Finnish 5515, 13
Swedish 3679, 11 (did some work on this in late 2023)
Norwegian 3082, 11
Hungarian 2438, 10
Ukrainian 2228, 9
Russian 610, 6
Irish 2174, 9
Turkish 2020, 9
Polish 1793, 9
Chinese 1282, 8
and Latvian - but on another site that doesn't have levels