and February is ... running down that hallway over there, go catch it. We are feeling better from that flu-like thing that knocked us all down. My one ear was clogged for a long time as a remnant of it, but it feels almost normal now. It was like walking around with a cotton sock stuck over my ear - just slightly dulled and nothing I could do about it.
Doing Japanese and French and a little Romanian, work, cold and rainy but there were a few days almost 70 degrees in there, too -- trying to get Sweetie dog into the vet for something we couldn't afford before, but she really does need. We knew it would be a good sized vet bill to do it, and were trying to find when we could do it for her. Got Grandma to the store after getting the little car back, Esme helped in the store and unloading all the groceries. Grandma's puppies are fat and energetic! It's not easy at all getting things in and out of the house with them running around.
Our chickens had taken almost two months off of laying any eggs, while this egg shortage 'crisis' is in the news all over... but just about a week ago they started laying again, one a day (for 15 hens), then two, then four, now five... they must have liked those 70 degree days quite a bit, too. We'll have some more cold nights coming up.Hoping it doesn't sleet, ice or snow soon, so I can continue getting to work.
Got the little car back from having the radiator fixed. It's hard to get parts for a twenty-five year old car. Put the mail truck in the shop to try to fix the headlights taken out by the deer and a few other things. It will be the same with that except it is a Toyota and that is a little easier to find most parts for. Doing laundry. Trying to get enough sleep, and it's cold. I keep telling Mark sarcastically 'I have all these bones that are unhappy with me'... hip, elbows... the other day I dreamt that I was having a bike custom-fit for me (because Mark was telling me the day before about such a thing he did in his youth) and the technician while swapping parts on the bike also took off my arm at the elbow and replaced it with another one.. woke up and that elbow was hurting because I had twisted it strangely (hEDS, yay sarcasm) and it had finally hurt enough to wake me up. Roll over, sleep for another hour on the other side, and it clicks back into the right place. (hEDS, yay, no sarcasm).
/still expanding my map in the minetest game, found out those green saddled pig things are called 'mine turtles' in the game... made a lot of new places by sailing down rivers and putting new farms wherever I could land with resources - then found them again by road and stairs and now my map is much more interconnected, it's actually really cool to bounce around from place to place
elbows hurting right now, make another pot of coffee and off to bed
They won't do Sweetie's surgery until next week, but they did drain the area a little and give us antibiotics and set her up with some shots so they can hold her overnight there and make sure everything is good. It should just be a few stitches, they say, after they use a laser, and she will be so much more comfortable and probably add years onto her life. That is what we hope. She'll be twelve next month - I looked it up. And, bonus.. she let them do the shots and all of the other things without even getting upset, because she realized we are trying to help. When she was spayed, she bit someone and was very upset with us for a good while. This time, she was really good with the vet and even asked us when we got home 'why didn't they fix it?'.... but when we started giving her the pills she is taking them like a trooper. I hope all goes well until next week comes. They couldn't do the surgery until next week - and the other place wasn't even going to give her an exam for another week.