Thursday, December 13, 2012


Esme had a discussion last night about she is 'just right size' but 'still kid' and she wanted to grow up so she could be big and be a mama, but she didn't want to be any bigger either - because she didn't want to wash her hair and she was still little.  She said someday she would use the big bucket and wash her hair just like a mama like a 'shower' - but for now, she will use the little bucket and cry.  *ha*  I think it takes her seven of her little bucket to get the soap out and she could do it so much easier otherwise... but she hates doing things 'new' when she has already latched onto something, stubborn?  Yes.

We also discussed what 'fire' and 'to fire something' was - she told me the definition when she said 'fire' and threw a handful of bubbles at me and I said it didn't look like fire.  'No mama, there is fire, that is fire (cup her hands around something) and there is fire, to throw something at like this (toss something), that is just like that.  You understand?'  *ha again*.  I then said I knew that - we call that two meanings, like no, no, no is three no-s... but she really only had one nose.  She laughed.. and then said she had two noses... after which I identified nostrils again, nose holes - compared to 'whole nose'... which she also thought was funny but didn't entirely grasp.  Then I asked her what should we call it if we 'fire' a batch of fire through the air?  She laughed again, and thought it was all a good game.

note: I remember telling Mark a while back that with our Poofball kitten being all sorts of colors, and Daphne puppy being all other sorts of colors.. and my bean collection being all colorful and spotted and streaked - we must just have a penchant for spotty colorful things.  That is true...  And then yesterday as I am trying to combat Esme's cold getting ahold of me (which it is, sort of) I noticed in the mirror I was wearing a green knit hat, a blue and white variegated wool waistcoat and crazy patterened fabric scrap slippers all over the house like a gypsy... but I was warm, and colorful, and spotted and streaked everywhere myself ;)

The Daphne puppy in question, in her favorite place yesterday.  She is growing, as well.

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