Thursday, October 01, 2020


Cod Bay, year 31 (gametime)

Cod Bay, year 36 (gametime)




DeAryl family (Bevan + Pomra)

sons Harran, Omri daughters Kira, Kynee

Otrio (Rigel + Mandra) family : daughter Wirna

Otrio (Niko + Alice) family : daughter Marika 

[[ town recorder : Niko Otrio ]]

Pippington (Th.+ Priscilla) family :son Argent, daughter Serena

Callum Barham [ founder + crop trust ]

Prospectors : refugees from North City earthquake

Steven Pembry [bank, courthouse trust]

Dennis Danby [ forestry trust ]

Piscany DeCroix, May DeCroix

((((   year 1 : found Rivertown from North City )))

( year 19 : found Cod Bay from Rivertown )

Callum Barham (fisherman, nomad, founded city with Niko and Thaddeus following helping them stop raid on Piper's Cove (Piper Daniels + Paul Allen) in year 19)

originations : Rivertown : Niko,Thaddeus,  Alice Roberts(m.i yr 27)

Native village on Mt. Aryl : Bevan DeAryl +Pomra , sister Mandra 

North City (year 27) Priscilla Orak (father Goffey, d. yr 27)

North City (after year 30) Rigel Otrio (cousin Niko) Steven Pembry, Dennis Danby, 


South Clans (year 34) : DeCroix 

 Charcoal and forestry trust station

Drop off saplings here for later planting.  Drop off large amounts of logs that can be burned into charcoal if needed, or grabbed again for building projects.

Also have crop trust station (in every city) to drop off half of harvests for later use.  Each family field gets all or half (depending) of the harvest of their field.  Every once in a while the main harvest is made in the city and a bit is dropped off to the chest in each house.


 Shop : Otrio Bakery & Soup [ Niko, Alice Otrio ]]

Shop : Clockworks [[ Steven Pembry ]]

clocks, compasses, iron tools (opened year 30, moved year 37)

Shop : Blue Goose [[ Priscilla, Serena Pippington ]]

dyes, dyed wool and leather goods, chairs, glass and polished stones

Shop : Clay Pot [[ Mandra, Wirna Otrio ]]

woven banners, undyed wool products (and natural color sheep wools) 

clay, terracotta, glass and polished stones

School : Pomra DeAryl (built year 34)

Butcher Shop : year 37

Original story "McElvaney Enterprises" c Oct 2020 by Marie Lamb

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