I am taking the manager training to move up at the store. Things are going pretty good. But this is the time of year you start to wonder. Can I make more money if I commute to a larger town? I might need to in order to use this training within the 18 month time period it will be good. Am I ready for that?
There is a program at the local college that could expand my bachelor of science degree into a teaching degree. It is a two year class, and with the job I have now they will not give me time off or a different schedule to take classes unless I drop to part-time... which would mean less money coming in and more going out.
Things to think about. I can't even possibly move up in the company until April of next year... but then there are chances. Esme is just growing so fast and doing so many things that I wonder where she'll be in a few years. I am so glad Mark has been able to stay home and take care of her - keep her out of the awful daycare system here and give her one-on-one attention. She REALLY needs that.. she is so active with all the things she is interested in. He said he might be able to do a night shift job to bring more money in - but I think that wouldn't be a great match for how we live now. My schedule is up and down all over the place - whatever they whim... but it is always 39 hours a week. And Esme has never had a babysitter - we've never needed to (well maybe a few short times with grandparents, but those were emergencies not regular 'we're going out/have to be out for the day')...
Continue to think on it. I know there is more that I can do than managing a hardware/plumbing department. But I have a hard time jumping into things that might fail when it comes to supporting my loved ones.
In other news: Esme begged really hard for a ball-point pen today. I drew a kitty on the left hand side of the page - which she scribbled all over and underneath - and then did these interesting circles all over the right hand side.

1 comment:
I waited for quite a while before I did my Masters but I was glad I did but life throws different challenges at you and I'm now having to bring work home which I would have found difficult if I had children.
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