I've been to the flea market twice to pick up things, and a few garage sales. We found a stroller with big wheels and a baby bathtub this morning to put away. I'm accumulating a small pile of 0-3 and 3-6 mo. clothes here in this red toy chest. The things I've made are in plastic bags to the left, and hope to take patterns off a few more of the ready-mades. This little pink jacket (on top in picture) shouldn't be too hard to copy.
I've also been having those dreams pregnant women get ;) I've dreamt yesterday morning that I gave birth in the back of a bus - and this morning that instead of one baby there were quadruplets (who somehow magically turned into two year olds when I turned my back.. and I was really confused!).
Made another baby hat and am avoiding working on the baby sweater -- not for any specific reason except I haven't successfully made a sweater before. Mark's mom gave me a bag of her old yarn, and the Simply Soft has really come in handy. I also mail-ordered some cotton Knitpicks Shine, sport and worsted, to knit more baby pants, hats and other items out of.
Mark ordered a Roomba robotic vaccum cleaner a few weeks ago, and it arrived today. I'm not sure which web store he bought it from, but it was a remarkably good deal. The animals are a little freaked out, but so far they are taking it as a non-communicative cat that really likes to go around running into things ;)
Mark has given the Roomba a name - "Marvin", after the robot in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Because: What happens when it gets stuck while trying to get over something? It gets depressed and goes away...
Mark has given the Roomba a name - "Marvin", after the robot in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Because: What happens when it gets stuck while trying to get over something? It gets depressed and goes away...