I'm still not drinking more than a cup or so while this sinus thing has me - but I did make a bit of green tea today, weak green tea. I asked on my pregnancy group and apparently the jury is still out on just how bad it is for you - especially in the third trimester. Early pregnancy it is still a high risk, because so many things are developing then.
I'm starting to price out some things for the baby now, just to know what we're in for next month. So far, we know we need a good crib, a carseat and that I'd like to get one of those baby sling/carriers to keep her close to me, instead of a stroller. Still worried about sizes on baby clothing, too. When I was born nothing my mom had been given or bought fit me - I was just too big for all of it. That's one reason I'm kind of holding back, thinking maybe just buy a few basic things in a few different sizes, and save the rest for when we know what size she'll be. I'm not blown up to 'house-size' yet either. I expected to be by now... although I am noticeably huge ;)
We watched Pogo hunt a dove today outside - which she didn't catch. She had a really good stalk going on though, came within two feet of it. It was funny to see her get up after it flew away, 'Is there anything else here to stalk? No? Did anyone see that? Rats! I sat here five whole minutes and it just flies off!'
My friend had a ba by sling and thinks it is the best thing she has ever bought for her baby! I'm very excited for you!
I liked my sling but it was really hot in Texas sometimes. I just carried my Boogie every where I went!
My niece didn't go for the sling or the baby bjorn - you had to carry her everywhere, seated and facing forward. :)
Those birds can be just so uncooperative. But I'm glad to hear it got away.
All my girlfriend's babies were teeny weeny tiny things (except for my shortest girlfriend - she was 5'1" and Ashley was something like 11 lbs 12 oz at birth. That girl was ENORMOUS.) Something will fit. At least babies don't fuss about what it looks like. (Feels like, yes.)
I had one friend who loved the sling, and one who didn't, although I'm not sure of the reasons. It's hard to believe you are in your 3rd trimester already.
Yes! Time has really went by fast. The doctor said the conception date was February 15, and he has moved up the due date to Oct 31-Nov 4, because she measured large at the 18 week ultrasound!
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