Tell me Misha, is it the other way around?

This is at the foot of the bed, where I almost step on her...
Weaving Update: I wove a small belt-loop for the bag out of embroidery floss (same technique as the dreambag) and have it halfway sewn to the lining. Not an interesting thing to take pictures of yet -- but maybe soon.
My friend from high school called last night to talk about the baby but she lost her signal after only a few sentences :( She has two kids and was on the road to pick them up from a babysitter when she called. I'll have to call her back tonight.
I'm having nosebleeds and a dry stuffy nose :( Trying a pan of water on the stove for a humidifier and making some chicken soup from scratch (well, the chicken was from the butcher shop.. not that much scratch) to try to kick it out. Also, about three months ago black tea made me want to throw up.. which luckily, I have only done twice during this pregnancy. I tried a black tea latte again today (half tea, half milk) and so far my stomach is taking it much better. Green tea, my old standard for sinus issues, is a no-no until well after the baby is done breastfeeding, due to the effect it has on growing cells :( Funny, the same thing that makes it good for adults makes it very bad for infants and little kids.
They love to pick spots where they almost get stepped on, don't they? And then they look indignant...
Pogo is so cute!!!
That is one funny spot. Cats. So cute!
Funny about the tea and the grown ups vs kids! I guess there is a difference more than just height and age.
Pogo is so sweet!
My nose stayed stuffy during part of my pregnancy. It was a drag.
I never knew that about green tea. So how do you get in and out of the house with that dog laying against the door like that.
Jeanne: heh, Misha moves sometimes! She was waiting to be let out again when she was kitten-attacked then snuggled up next to.
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