Saturday, December 06, 2014

Great fury dragon picture and vacation

Esme's 'Great Fury' dragon page
drawn after watching How to Train your Dragon again the other night.

She says the symbols at the top right is a sword that if you cut it on it's tail the plastic beads inside will come out and it will be 'ded'.  It also eats fish, as indicated by the symbol on the left.

I have nine days off starting today.
We are preparing to go to a crafts bazaar in town.
I have a few plans for this vacation.. some sleeping in, some reading, some sewing... teaching Esme for her next week of school.  For now, we are having our 'weekend together - both of us', as she said this morning.  I finished the thick knit socks the other day and they have been a great thing to put on as soon as I am home and sit reading while Esme has bopped around making dragon lairs, fish dinners, penguin egg laying stations and other things with her Knex and other toys.

Probably some puppy pictures this week - they are still small but very lively.

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