Friday, July 28, 2006

A Face only a Mother could Love?

But I'm the mothering type, so I think he is gorgeous.
SUCH a difference from two days ago, you wouldn't have believed it.
You can tell he has two eyes now too!

with milk on his paw

He is up and walking (following me a lot) - interested in things, and purring and crying for food. I think his throat hurt him so bad, he tried not to do anything that would hurt it more. You still can't see the bite here, it's just under that 'mussed' area of his face. He has tried to eat off a dish with the other two - but still has trouble chewing. He's still sleepier than the other two - but he still has a ways to heal too.

Feeding a sick kitten who can't chew: I'm so glad we got the medicine syringe (no needle) from the vet. It is much better than the bottle! It doesn't have to be squeezed constantly (or require a strong kitten to suck) just emptied slowly into his mouth. He has eaten juice out of tuna and cat food cans from it hungrily, and that has put a lot more fluid into him. He'll eat more juice even after starting to refuse the milk replacer.

Riding in the car (Smoke was in another box,
she was wanting to playfight too much)
You can see how thin they are
I've been feeding them as much as they can hold every four hours.

Black/Smoke: If I pose like this, they can't tell us apart!
I caught her off guard waking up, she is perfectly normal.

Way too much energy here!
You can see Smoke sleeping in the back here, ears normal.

Thanks for the good wishes everyone - they must be working! I left a note for the vet this morning too, to tell her they were all doing fine. I know I'm doing the right thing saving Squint - even though he will need a very special person to adopt him in a few weeks.


Crazy For Yarn In Alabama said...

You are such an incredibly awsome person to do all that you are for these little babies!!! I think squint is following you around because he knows you are the one that is saving his life!! I wish I was close enough to "adopt" squint....what a sweet little guy to have such a hard start in life!! Many thanks for all that you are doing!!!

Jennifer said...

I think he looks like a sweet little furbaby.

Chris said...

I'm so glad he's doing better. They both have a crazy floppy right ear?

RheLynn said...

Chris: no Smoke was just stretching silly ;o) She is has two perfectly normal ears and eyes.. that look 'Squinty' when she yawns.

Anonymous said...

Squint is beautiful. Really. You're doing a great job with them!

Lyssa said...

I fostered two orphan kittens last year, and it was wonderful. My mom has one of them now, and a good friend has the other.

Mine were found by another friend in the pallet of tile for her bathroom remodel! The mother must have hidden them there, not knowing it would soon be forklifted away from her.

I like the floppy eared little guy.

Rhiannon said...

I am so glad I don't live near you or I would be helping out by taking all these cuties home to live with me.

They are so adorable, it is great that you are willing to nurse them to health!

Everytime I see any new kittens you are helping I have an urge to get another. :)

Obsidian Kitten said...

oh wow! they are SOOOOO cute! squint is adorable! they all are, what a great job you're doing.

what great furbabies, i'm sure they're all going to find loving homes soon. what cuties, i want to snuggle them all over! =)

Anonymous said...

I am in love with Squint! That precious little face! OMG! I'm so glad that they are all doing well! Such sweet little babies! (I so tend to gush on and on about kittens!)

Thank you for taking care of them! You made my day!

Lynn said...

Well I don't thinks these kittens could have gotten a better surogate mom and dad than you two.

You are giving them the best chance they've got to make it.

I am a person that goes for the Underdog. So squint is my trooper to cheer for!

I think that you will see quick improvements now. Cats have a tough time with infections and it looks like squint is on the path to recovery.