Oh wow, what an Easter day. It actually started yesterday after Mark picked me up from work. We came home to a bloody porch and a severely torn up Bunny dog. We have no idea really what happened to her - deep small punctures all over her face, chest and under one leg. We thought she had lost an eye at first - but it's still in there. What was worse, in the middle of cleaning Bunny up and seeing just how many wounds there were (and what was just blood) we did a head count, and Misha was also missing. It was a stressful night thinking we were going to find a dead dog in the morning out in the woods - and caring for the hurt one as well.
Early this morning Mark went out and walked the woods, but didn't find any sign of Misha or what had torn up Bunny. At about 9 am our cat Mitzi began to have her first litter of kittens. The first was born breech and stillborn, it never moved or took a breath. Since then she has had four more and seems to be doing well with them. It took a bit of urging for her to take care of the first two live ones after the disappointment and confusion of the first one being stillborn. But with some soft voice and lots of 'good girl' she took them to nurse and things were a lot easier after that.

what a surprise, they're orange!
* correction: three kittens for Mitzi :( *

I took Esme up to see her Grandparents and they had a good time with plastic eggs and running around the house. She made up her own game with Grandma where she falls onto Grandma and gets hugged - very very cute. We came back home, had some lunch and she took a nap.
The rainstorm started - a big heavy downpour. And in the middle of it I looked up and there at the door was Misha. She was wet and looked like she had been running all day and so tired she just wanted to lay down. But, she doesn't seem to be hurt anywhere. She came right in the house soaking wet and went immediately to where Bunny was laying. She looked her over and laid down nose to nose - almost a 'sorry you got hurt glad you are okay.' We dried her off and they are both sleeping on a blanket. What a relief. Misha is the 'brains' for all of our dogs it seems some days, the one who takes care of everyone and knows how to translate human. I would have missed her the most, I think, out of all of our critters.
So, a happy ending even with poor Bunny torn up. Mark is taking good care of her - nearly carrying her outside when necessary. Mitzi is taking good care of her kittens so far, and finally after sunset on Easter it seems we have a little Peace falling on our house.
Oh my! I am so sorry.
Mitzi is a beautiful cat, we have one that could be her brother! Is she a particular breed?
I#m sorry to hear about one of her kittens.
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