From the moment we walked into the Carnival Esme pointed and said 'whee' and 'wow' at all the lights and rides flying through the air. We walked around looking for a bouncey castle or something like that - but they didn't have one. So we decided to try the Ferris Wheel. Esme was SO scared at first and crying - but about halfway through the ride she started to calm down.

She looked at everything around us and to me saying 'pretty' and repeating her 'whee' and 'wow'. She gave us the most quizzical expressions!

Then, while clinging tightly to me she relaxed completely and seemed to partially enjoy the rest of the ride.
She didn't like it at all when I went on a ride and she stayed with Daddy - she cried loudly thinking I was gone. I heard 'DaDa!' and she hugged me tightly when I came back. We took her on the giant slide and that was more fun - but the carousel made her scared again.
We got a slice of pizza which was excellent (surprising) and Esme enjoyed that. She also grabbed a Koosh ball from a vendor stall so we bought it - and we won a plush flower at a dart game.
When we left we were halfway across the parking lot and Esme turned and waved 'bye bye' to the lights of the carnival.

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