Saturday, May 05, 2007

Pogo is growing!

We were going to go to town yesterday and asked 'Where's Pogo?' -- Looked around a little and found her here.

Mom's sweater is a great place to snooze.

What? Huh? Oh Hi!
Even with the long ST-RET-CH, you can tell she is growing!

A spotted ... what the heck is that? A giraffe? A cow? ;)

Working on more paintings - sold one yesterday! Would like to make some ACEOs. There is a 'sister swap' going on here to make 20 cards and get 20 back. They say ACEOs should be 2.5 by 3.5 inches - about half the size I'm working with now!

On the Knitting Front: Some small progress on the socks and the circular shawl. We're preparing to go to Hamvention in Dayton, OH on May 17th - so that and our Ebay store are taking up a lot of time!


Jennifer said...

Pogo is just so darn cute!

Jeanne said...

Pogo is getting big. The spotted animal has me puzzled as well.

Anonymous said...

Pogo is just adorable!

thursday said...

Pogo's so cute! My cats aren't getting longer...just wider. Look at all those stripes!

Chris said...

How do cats sleep in some of the poses they manage?! Congrats on the sale!

Anonymous said...

That is one crazy "relaxed" position! Cats.

mrspao said...

Well done on your sale :) Pogo is sooo cute!

Lynn said...

Pogo looks more like a little tiger each day!

Obsidian Kitten said...

could it be a pogoraffe? she is awfully stretchy.