Friday, June 21, 2024

Weaving project, birthday and swimming

I strung up a little bag on the small frame loom last night, and since it was only plain weave, I had it done pretty quickly.  Sewed up the ends this morning and made a pouch for my pens to put into my other woven purse.



It's a tight fit in there with wallet and phone holder - but it does fit 

It was my birthday today - and we did quite a lot.  I took my pre-sunrise walk and took it slower than yesterday, staying out there to see the actual sun rise through the tiny keyhole in the woods where I finally found it.  I know of three places where I can see it at different points - all the way to the horizon, through the leaves - but it is finding them that is part of all that.  I also found the morning glories and took a picture of them.


Early in the morning we got groceries and a new garden hose and fittings that I've been planning in order to extend the reach in the raised beds in the garden.  A few weeks ago Esme helped me measure and our 75 foot hose wouldn't quite reach the back two beds that I've been having trouble with - needed 89 feet to make it.  So, over the next few days I will need to find time to put that on and test it all.  After we got home from that excursion I took Esme out to the swimming lake and we spent about an hour there.  There was a small school of bluegill fish that were curious at first, and at one point decided to take a taste.  Esme: One bit me!'  We fell out laughing, but were a bit wary about them after that - we'd already been swimming an hour, and both of us have sunburned quite badly in the past in relatively short amounts of time in the water.  I wore my big floppy hat - which looked ridiculous, but I think it helped.  

After we got back from that I threw all the wet and sandy things through the washer, and made myself a cake (with trying out the frozen lemon trick, so-so results), and then fell asleep for a few hours.  We made a pizza and watched one of my favorite movies 'Dark City', where the protagonist does not give in to repeated attempts to tell him who he is, he knows who he is, and it isn't that - and in the end when he has this amazing powerful gift to mold the world he could do anything with it - and he makes something beautiful, that reminds him of all the good things he wanted to be in the world but was having such a hard time finding and questing for... and it ends there, where we hope that he will continue to use his power for good, but we don't get to see.  Mark says it is a twisted flick, and he likes a lot of very twisted flicks.  He's compared it to 'Brazil' before, but I think the message is much more impactful and human in this one.

Now I work tomorrow, have two language programs to complete (did one earlier today) and fold laundry and get some more sleep.  It will be over 90 tomorrow again.

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