Tuesday, June 18, 2024

It's been a long week, she said on Tuesday

 Denoxii conlang

 the days this week have added up - headed to bed here in a minute but as my head hit the pillow I thought I could try to make a little drawing, by starting to write something simple in Denoxii, and then seeing what wanted to fill in around the edges.  I put a few more rows on this shawl thing made out of the slightly stretchy fine yarn I had found on clearance a few years ago, and never found a good way to use.  We'll see how it works - I am thinking of switching between the two colors because I only bought one of each skein. (but it's hard, because this skein is so pretty, actually, worked up)

Addition : I have not continued the book I got from the library - I should bring it into work today (Wed, June 19th), and read it before we start the package run.

One of the other weird things I often say is 'donnes craw se vee'(phonetically) and in my head it looks like donc cru se fi  which in Welsh/French patois would be something like 'it's so rude (raw) to me'?   or is it donnes as in 'giving me' and means something like 'its giving me a hard time' ... because that is how I use it - like when the hose drops from the holder right after I begin to walk away, or I nearly drop something twice, catch my foot on some netting in the garden that I was being certain to avoid... and it also comes out naturally, quicker than any English ..  I know when Esme was younger I used to say the 'da se nay' (with the nay very strong and 'thrown down') (and Esme still says it!) in this circumstance as well, and that was picked up from Futurama we were watching a lot Amy Wong says that whenever things go wrong or she doesn't agree with something.

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