Thursday, May 16, 2024


'white ball milkweed' : Asclepius variegata, growing in a local creek area



daylilies in my garden

Still doing the language clock thing, I'll probably do it for just a few more days again so I have five clocks to compare to - even without really thinking about it, I'm often separating repetitions of the same language by 6 or 12 hours... - I've found a new site for French listening, accent mark stress and crosswords - it is and I want to remember it to go back for all of that 

I did some extra French translation today, and watched several more videos, worked on vocab in Spanish and Bulgarian, and the Hindi alphabet - not to mention garden, laundry, baking, made candy to put in freezer, fed animals, washed, dried and sorted laundry and ALSO did feed store and grocery shopping...and then Esme's school called and said she would fail a final if she didn't show up just right then (and we were in the checkout lane at the grocery) - so, it's really really been a day, even without postal route to do

 and... the day started at 4 am, yes - it really did.. because the dogs were very convinced my floor fan beginning to squeak was the goat crying in distress outside in the fence, and they kept going in and out and in and out.. (why does everyone else sleep through that? is my waking up and catering to them just mom instincts?)  and I wanted a nap again at 6, but instead I made breakfast and started laundry and by then I was awake and everyone else was awake soon after, and we did our town run

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