Thursday, May 16, 2024


 yesterday was a very long day, with almost ten hours of driving out on a route - not the one I had been assigned to at the start of the day, but an emergency situation where I had to pick it up for someone else - and another carrier came after their route and helped me with the last half hour of it, which would have been another hour otherwise, so that helped some...  Esme had her wildlife competition for the year, she placed seventh in the region for high schoolers, and that makes a wrap for this school year

As I was driving, sans radio, because it was all unfamiliar and I didn't know where the next thing was most of the time - thoughts came to me that I had forgotten most of the Czech words for clothing, although I remembered them for French (of course) and Spanish

So here:

and this:

vocabulary : Welsh, French, Spanish, Czech

shirt : crys, chemise, camisa, košile

-----dw'in hoffi'r crys

-----j'aime la chemise

-----quiero la camisa

------líbí se mi tato košile

shoes : esgidiau, chaussures, zapatos, boty

    esgid ( singular), chaussure, zapato, bota

pants : pants, pantalon, pantalones, kalhoty

jeans : jins, jeans, vaqueros, džíny

socks : hosan (sanau, hosanau(singular))

    chaussettes, (chaussette (singular))

    calcetines (medias), (calcetin, media (singular))

    ponožky (ponožka (singular))

hat : het, chapeau, sombrero, klobouk

dress : ffrog, robe, vestido, šaty

coat : cot, manteau, abrigo, kabat 

clothes : dillad, vetements, ropa, oblečení


Yesterday's language clock, with the split sleep, and a little bit of Spanish (on my mobile) put in during my mandatory ten minute lunch break

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