Saturday, May 22, 2010

saturday again and dreaming fours

It's been a whole week already again... so hard to believe.
I'm sewing some afghan squares together here and there. Esme is worrying me just a tad with a very odd color in her diaper - I'm blaming blue Kool-Aid. I just hope it gets "through" with soon or I'll start to worry more. Mark gave away the last of the puppies yesterday - so we are down to just two puppies (Nova and Esme). haha

It's odd how my imagination works. In my dream last night Esme was quadruplets - and I was trying to get them all ready for a trip to town. I was putting dresses on them - the raglan long sleeve dresses, but in different fabrics than I had made the real ones in. That was clue one I was dreaming (why wasn't the quadruplet idea clue one?) - the second clue was someone was asking what the girls' names were - and I said they were all Esme - as if it was normal - and that I usually only brought one to town but today we were going on a longer trip so we had to bring all four of them... which was difficult.

What spurred this dream? Esme woke up at 3 in the morning and demanded a drink cup refill - but she wouldn't let me change her diaper. And it needed it! Luckily I didn't have to change her clothes, as it wasn't wet through yet. It was such a fight that when I went back to sleep for a few hours before getting up for work - I dreamed what it would be like times four! I also thought maybe these were the different 'states' of Esme - upset, awake, asleep etc... one Esme had her hair wild and was running away from me, another was crashed on the floor of her room asleep, one sitting reading in her bed, one sitting at a table with her hair nicely put back etc...

I really liked two of the dress fabrics in the dream... haha, imagining a dress in a different fabric felt odd too.

One was a muslin cream with brown flowers on it like the upper left - and another was blue stars with white sleeves.. her bumblebee buzz dress (real) made an appearance as did the fabric from her Christmas dress.

1 comment:

h2odragon said...

Despite occasionally appearing to be, our daughter is not a quantum phenomenon. I'm pretty sure.

OK, not always: sometimes it is still possible to know where she is and what she's doing at the same time.