Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

I had to work very early today, before sunrise! That wasn't easy and I was tired all day at work. They started really picking up business just as I and my other department coworker were leaving to go home! Too bad, they scheduled the most of their help to leave early and then there was just one person left to deal with the crowd. I brought an apple pie we all had 'cut pie' for a snack, which was very good. Esme liked the apples in it, but not the crust. I was proud she tried it, though.. as she was doing her 'blech' routine at first. Then Grandpa and Grandma brought visitors over and we walked to the lake. Esme played shy. After they went back to Grandma and Grandpa's house I gave Esme the choice of playing in the lake more or having a bath. She chose bath. After the bath the attitude started in, throwing a fit over a diaper change and over not being allowed to bring her riding car toy upstairs etc... but she ate her dinner well and hopefully she will crash to sleep now.

I'm reading 'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy while at work.. it's depressing, but I keep hoping for some light at the end of the tunnel for the two.. I wanted to read the book before the movie comes to DVD, and a friend had a copy to loan to me.

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