Friday, December 13, 2019

watching the moon rise over the trees

wax a bit poetic this morning.. just because...sitting here with my oatmeal and my coffee and my book... 

Watching the moon rise
in the morning, purple over the sumac
that has been washed of its red hue
in the last winter storm
drying now held up like torches on the branches
waiting for the snow to come
to make their color more vibrant
against the white that would cover the world
and make silent the sound of footsteps in the air

The moon is rising
I make it rise more by standing on the hill
frost in the grasses around me
the cold air pulling at my ankles and wrists
watching the frost sheen in the sky
blur the circle of the moon
to a fuzzy ball of light

Snow on the moon
that is what they called it when I was young
I am hoping it will come and go quickly
and not coat the roads in ice
dangerous black swaths
freezing the commerce and rhythms of city life
upon which we still depend
although now I have more freedom to enjoy  a day of snow
it does not stab fear into my heart as badly
as it once did

Still, like creatures of warmth are want to do
I wish it away for as long as it will hold
praying for spring and summer
to release us from the cold
and back to life and growing things
the revolution of the days towards light
lasting into long evenings
warm with Nature's hope

Had a couple of weird dreams last night, one a nice philosophy lesson and the other a good story idea.  The philosophy lesson was that no matter even if I have to drag a twisted and broken limb in pain through a ten story building and keep getting told 'your destination is elsewhere' the real me - the me that is in my dreams - steels herself up, grits her teeth and keeps going just trying to get to the right place to do whatever I am supposed to do.  The story idea is little demons that are in your rent-a-center products that then become poltergeists of a type that enjoy watching the home shopping network and knocking figurines off your shelves (bought from HSN) and they masquerade as cats that defy the rules of physics etc.... there's something there.

Listening to some music, waiting for my nerve pain in the tooth to calm down.  I just got 'Letters from a Stoic' by Seneca (roman philosopher) and I am going to spend a little time with that until my side-contract package gets here and I have to schedule those installations.  I made some good progress with my bath remodel last night.  Bought a big pipe wrench today to add to my toolbox - lightweight, too.  Working on the extended business plan this afternoon, probably going to do those installations tomorrow if I can swing it. Several things to do Sunday.

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