Sunday, October 14, 2012

Can I have another weekend?

I don't feel like I've had this one.  My dad stopped in Saturday and talked over dinner - Esme played some with him but was very focused on her computer as well.  At one point she told me was actually trying to be quiet so he could talk with Daddy, and I should go downstairs with her and let them talk and we could play quietly.  Really now.  She fell asleep before he left, and asked where he was today. She played outside in the rain tonight just at sunset - and there was a rainbow.  It was quite pretty and the light coming through on the trees turning fall colors was as well.  I have work early tomorrow and it does not seem like I had this weekend at all yet.  I've been very tired but trying not to sleep during the day, it has rained both days and that really makes me tired.. and Esme does not really agree with the idea of daytime naps for her or us is possible to catch a nap but I have not managed to.  I have sewn a little - some scraps, some mending, a sponge character toy that has yet to get a face, and some knitting on the blanket.  But mostly I feel like I've been a lump this weekend!

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