Friday, October 05, 2012

bits here and there

Esme may have her picture in the paper from the PTA meeting.. she was the only kid there, although it was open house for everyone.  There was no earthshattering news - she will likely go on to regular Kindergarten next year and everything is improving.  We see it at home, too.  They see some of what we see - the 'do we really gotta do this?' and the 'just a kid' she has been trying on them, too.  'Excuse me, when can we go outside?' is another one she says to them.  She was sent to her room for monopolizing Daddy's computer tonight when and only when he came back to use it... before that she was much more interested in SpongeBob after begging for minutes to get on that computer...  Then I go down there to deliver her a glass of milk (she ate sparesely after breakfast, Mark had said - and I've been trying to make sure she gets something when I get home from work) and she gives me this sidelong look and says 'What?' when I enter her room and she is playing the UPWORDS game in her usual way...  I tell her I am delivering her a kiss (as she had 'sent' one up with him when she was told to go to bed earlier) back and she gets all starry-eyed and says 'oh, yea, okay - so sweet, I'm just playing this game here, with the letters, I'm not sleeping.'  I tell her she can do that and I am going upstairs to my bed and she calls after me 'Goodnight Mom, I'll see you in the morning.  I love you, too!'  Then five minutes after that is upstairs to tell us that she has drunk the milk and either tell me she ate earlier or halfheartedly ask for more?  In any bit, she turns back around and says 'haha - I'll see you in the morning' and scurries back to her room saying 'Goodnight Mom, Goodnight Dad, Goodnight Dogs'... the logic of being nearly five years old... it still escapes me.

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