That is what I want to post about this month. Her imagination. She now talks about ghosts and dragons and alligators and all sorts of things without any prompting to a subject change! She tells me things that I have to say 'uh huh... really?' on... like ghosts don't have teeth, and that food makes your teeth grow (which is true, kind of) and that capes make you 'super'. She wonders what ghosts do without teeth, and why they try to eat her? She tells me what doctors do, and what farmers do/wear, but still has a firm identity that she is none of those - she is an Esme, a little girl. She thinks she has this mommy and baby thing worked out - but it is VERY funny to hear her explanation of it. Such as, ghosts have mommies and daddies too, and they help them so they are not ghosts and can be alive. All of that was said with a washcloth over her hand in the bathtub and singing parts of a Muppet song from the Alice Cooper episode where they sing 'I'm looking through you...' ?? Some days I just don't know or plan on finding out exactly where it came from. She has these things figured out, and uses them often as matter-of-fact instead of just imaginary. It is an interesting ride when she really gets going on a topic. However, she still does not jabber one's ear off as some her age do. She thinks, and thinks deep. Then she explodes on you at unexpected times.
She sings daily and often, and gets a lot of the words right to many songs - doesn't like it when I change the words, but realizes what a joke is now. She used to just get mad at me. Her deadpan 'no laughing' and 'no clapping' and 'don't say it' with a pouty lip is still a common occurrence. It is especially funny when she has said something like the 'Daddy isn't learning how to be a dragon right' when he was coughing smoke... and she is 100% serious, crossed-arms and everything looking at you. Classic.
Sometimes, I will come to my desk in the middle of the day and find an assemblage of toys which will make me laugh. At this very moment there is a tiny wooden helicopter with a hole through it no larger than the size of a quarter. She has found a small plastic pig and put him into the helicopter so he can take a ride. I remember her last night spinning the helicopter blades and making it fly around, but I hadn't seen the pig at that time.
In other things, we still have not learned the button-up shirts. I have not stressed it. I might work on her more with her jacket with the one button. It will come. She is extremely interested in computer games and learning how they all work and how to win. She has so many I can't keep track. At times, she is still interested in learning how to spell words and how to write letters. She still counts to twenty while skipping a few .. and I've heard 'eighteen, nineteen, ten!' recently said to a kitten. I think she wants to work on money more and will have to find her a plastic piggy bank or something she can put coins into - she gives me buttons and says there are your twenty cents. She has had very little regression on the PT - forgetting to take time one day least she got her own new clothes and put the wet ones in the laundry room. She is eating well and growing tall and strong. She is social and loving... empathetic and funny. I don't worry constantly about some of those things like I used to but Mark still has to pat me on the head and say 'Yes she is an alien and everything in the world is wrong with her'... and I get the point. I guess I get it from my mother.. *yipe* I hate that idea. Old habits are hard to break.
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