Friday, November 05, 2010

bits of Friday

Went out to lunch today with a coworker, been a long time since I accepted that kind of invitation and it was nice. I ate enough food to last me through supper, though... another good reason why I try to keep away from that habit (I usually bring ramen noodles or a simple sandwich etc then spend half the hour allotment doing some craft or etc.) Mark fried up the week's worth of chicken and Esme demolished her playhouse box during that time. Poor Daddy! I saw ducks migrating across the highway today on my way to work - and it is supposed to freeze down to 23 degrees tonight.

Esme is wearing her sunglasses tonight and she looks very 'rockstar'. She even wore them in the bathtub!

Last night we were playing blocks all together. There are like thirty of the little blue blocks, give or take some. Esme was counting them and she got up to nine, and then she couldn't remember 'ten', so everything was 'some-teen'/'thirteen','some-teen' etc etc all the way down the line. She realized it was funny after a minute and rolled around laughing. Daddy and I were impressed even by nine :)

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