Saturday, December 08, 2007

Esme at one month

First off: Happy Birthday Mark! He is very glad to be home and is thinking of writing up a narrative of his trip. There are a few places he was interested enough in to go back to for a more detailed look. He is really happy to be home and 'no longer rolling' constantly.

Esme at one month
9 lbs, 12 oz.

She can grab my necklace, hair and things off the side of the bassinet now, like when I'm changing her diaper and put a blanket or piece of clothing up there for a moment. She can lift her head up for short periods of time while laying tummy-to-tummy but has a harder time on a flat surface. I think she has begun to recognize both us and the dogs and makes little happy 'Ah' noises sometimes when we come into view.

Pogo among the shipping supplies

Pogo continues to be a great help in the shipping department of our little online store.


Chris said...

Happy birthday, Mark! That picture of Esme is fantastic.

mrspao said...

Happy Birthday, Mark!

Esme is completely gorgeous :) What does she make of all your cats and dogs?

Ladeewolf said...

Happy Birthday Mark! Glad you're home safe.