Friday, December 14, 2007

Esme and her carrier

One of the things we knew we wanted/needed for Esme was a baby carrier, so I could take her around with me while I worked. A lot of things can be done one-handed, but not everything.

Esme in the carrier

Mark's parents gave us this baby 'Snugli' carrier before she was born and I have been using it off and on. There was a point there where Esme's legs didn't fold up nicely underneath her in it anymore and yet she wasn't big enough for her legs to go through the slots. But now she can ride in it more comfortably again and I'm using it to do dishes, laundry, type Ebay listings etc... things I used to do one-handed or while she was in a deep nap.

Daddy took this picture of us on the porch
Esme woke up for a minute then dozed back off.

When she gets a little bigger a carrier like this (instead of in arms) is going to be even more important just because of the weight! Sometimes carrying her around one of my arms goes 'to sleep' and I have to set her down or shift weight and get feeling back into it!


Jeanne said...

Actually, what drew my attention is you on your front porch, in Dec, in short sleeves. But I can see that a carrier like that would be very useful for getting things done.

RheLynn said...

*LOL* It's like 50 here right now. And, well... I grew up in Minnesota :) It was less than a minute, so Esme didn't get cold either.

mrspao said...

My friend's have a baby sling which they used which seemed to be quite good. I could see if I can get some details on it if you like.

thursday said...

My friend (whose baby is now 1.5 yrs) lost a lot of weight just by carrying her son all over Taiwan for 6 months. I'm thinking all women with small children must have super arm strength... I think I'll start lifting my 16 lb cat now for practice. ;)