Thursday, September 12, 2013

Progress at school and "The Cat and the Bird" book

A happy report.  I sent one of our Mama-made books to school today, one that we had made six months ago or more - and that Esme proved to me she could read most of this morning.  I wrote the three words she had trouble with on the front of a postit note and a request to return the book.  Esme said she got to read the book to the class and the teacher and children liked it :)  That was unexpected but excellent for her confidence.  I sent the book mainly because I wanted her library choice to not be limited below her level - and it wasn't, the library book is a very good match.  Her math worksheet today was decent for her level, as well - and something we haven't specifically covered yet.  I think they might be really getting to know her now, and especially because her behavior has improved.  She got 5 minute timeout (by her report) today, and 5 and 10 minutes the other days of the week - we see the real results tomorrow.

I said I was waiting to teach her half?  She has an idea of it, not quiet spot on - but I have a color half of it worksheet printed out she is ready for.  She also told me they are going over the 'fewer than', 'greater than', 'more', 'less' that I had put in earlier in the week.. she got about 80% of those right when we were talking, and was happy to work on it, ask questions etc etc...  This is what she needs to work on, and if they are really working with her real needs I am very happy and feeling like she is more understood. 

original story 'The Cat and the Bird', copyright Marie Lamb, 2012.

The Cat and the Bird by Marie Lamb

The Cat and the Bird by Marie Lamb

The Cat and the Bird by Marie Lamb

The Cat and the Bird by Marie Lamb

The Cat and the Bird by Marie Lamb

The Cat and the Bird by Marie Lamb

The Cat and the Bird by Marie Lamb

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