Wednesday, September 04, 2013


Doing more reading and math with Esme, trying to get her behavior better at school.  It's tough, because the schoolwork isn't challenging for her, but the discipline and other things are.  We want her to be considered for acceleration later, so we're trying to nip the bad behavior, teasing of the teacher, copying other schoolmate's bad behavior etc etc.. in the bud now.  I have a few things coming in from the garden, still - beans, cowpeas and limas, a pepper here or there.  I got two shelled paper plates full to overflowing of the Whipporwill cowpeas today, that was dried weight - it was epic compared to last year.  There are more out there on the vines that are still green, more coming, lots have already been picked.  It is a nice plant that keeps producing until frost.   Also shown are some wild grapes and some beans I found growing up into a tree covered with honeysuckle.  They were sneaky!

wild grapes from the edge of the woods

Haven't worked on the chair yet today.. waiting for Esme to come home and for her progress report for the day from her teacher.  Will go out to the garden to collect a few more items - had so many cowpeas in my bucket earlier there wasn't room for anything else!  Joined the book club for Esme's class, ordered a first grade level reading book, have another bid in a set of related books....  This is above and beyond the book I told her I would buy her if she shows improvement this week on her timeout minutes.  Bribery, Mark says.. and yes, it is.  But bribery with books is a bit better than candy or toys... it encourages her to read.  If I was really evil, I would be bribing her with math worksheets ;)  but so far, she does like those, too - I had one on her table this morning and she was right on top of it, marker out, doing the addition problems like a pro and comparing one to the other.  She liked it well enough I printed out some to put in a folder as backup so I don't have to go looking.
The whipporwill peas, shelled out

I should sew some more clothes but there is tomorrow off, too.  Asked for a parent teacher conference for next week if Esme does not show an effort at improving her behavior.  Of course she says she will... but she also agrees/admits that it is very hard. 

Update: Esme did slightly better today at school... seemed she might have listened some - and we will positively reinforce today, hoping it will make her want to improve more.

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