Friday, September 06, 2013

bits of sunshine

We had a smiley face yesterday for behavior - not expecting perfect behavior today, but maybe - just maybe, the sun is shining through and they are 'getting' the right way to get the best out of Esme in school.  
She spouted math facts at me this morning (0+100 is 100 with two zeroes, working up to 100+100+100 is 300) and told me the principal said she was a 'good at math girl.'  They also did work with triangles yesterday and making other shapes out of them.  It was also library day, and when we went over the book rules to get a library card signature - she had been over them before and was proud to tell me about it.  Her plan today is to make friends with the smart girl in her class who has a lamb pillow like hers.. and I finally did let her take the pillow in with hopes she will bring it back.. Grandma gave it to her.  It is Grandparents Lunch today, too.

Her preschool record dropped to them yesterday - maybe someone actually read it.  Her previous speech teacher told me she was going to put Esme's abilities in there as well as what she needs to work on.  I wrote a letter for the new speech therapist yesterday, too, about what I would like to add to her goals this year.

Although she got the good report, she also threw quite a fit yesterday after she didn't "get the moon" for being good (she did get to go to a playground and play for an hour and french fries.. but she wanted MORE, a thing she has learned to whine about from school) and I told her I was 'sticking to my guns' with what I had told her she would get, and she would have to be good again to get it again.... Her face when she asked what 'sticking to gun' meant was just slightly funny.  She whined all the way home.  At home she did not get any more sympathy for her plight, and said she would not work for smiley faces, they were not fun...then she took it all back after she had an overtired tension cry and got ready for her bath.  Being so good at school bottled up in her a bit, lots of unused energy etc etc...  By bedtime, she was happy and ready to take on the world again.  I think they are using positive instead of negative reinforcement now for her at school - or at least taking a try at it, and it is helping.  Noticing what she is good at especially when she has said other children said she is 'weird' is good, too - I told her 'weird' is actually good, she is a thinker, and like me, I got called 'weird', too - but I like to think. 

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