Saturday, August 04, 2012


Morning harvest. There are other things becoming ready but they are not quite there yet. The okra is flowering and putting on pods - that is impressive considering all the rest of the row died and this is one plant. The eggplant has flowers and fruit everywhere it looks like it might actually fall over. German queen tomato is still trying to ripen... fighting blight at the same time. Sweet corn planted the other week is coming up, beans too - sorghum in the west field and in the main garden has both germinated. I am wondering where to dig for winter crops - it will probably be where the yellow tomatoes are now, that is where the soil is best for it. Do I want to give them up? I didn't even plant them this year - they came on their own from last year's planting. But as you can see - they are what is still making the grade (and the soup pot) lately...

Esme was very good yesterday. I have work today and she is still asleep. I spent some time yesterday watching 'Frontier House' episodes and between that and other families on YourGardenShow pulling in and preserving huge harvests I feel like my little corner is not 'intense' at all... I'm just dabbling here and there and getting up at 7 in the morning to wander leisurely around picking tomatoes instead of walking for water and milking the cow and cutting hay for winter. However - I was eyeing my sunflower stalks and thinking if that was the case - those would be coming down right now and being stuck in the rafters of the garage for silage for winter!

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