Sunday, March 01, 2009

Saying 'No' to the kitty

We went to Grandpa and Grandma's house. They have Pogo's son Oscar. He batted at an oxygen tube and I told him 'NO'. Esme nearly threw a fit (like she did when we first read Cat in the Hat which contains the phrase 'No, No') thinking I was telling her No. Then she realized I was talking to the cat and she walked up to the kitty and babbled 'something-something KITTY' while waggling her finger. Kitty did something bad so she has to tell him about it!

Later she did the same thing when we were trying to tell him to get out of a cabinet. When he left the cabinet she was out of the room. She came back and opened the doors saying 'kitty?' and then went looking for him.

UPDATE : Oscar is 'Oscarina'. Mark's parents took 'him' into the vet for his surgery and were surprised to hear their cat is a female! We are surprised too -- Pogo and Mitzi have probably been laughing about it all along. j/k

1 comment:

mrspao said...

How cute!