Thursday, September 05, 2024

whaley thursday bits

That's kind of a to-done list, instead of a to-do list, up till right now, of course.  I don't know what is with one of the dogs deciding it is time to bark at 3 am every morning lately... but it invaded my dream this morning and whatever the lady I was talking to was about to say, it turned into a broken record repeat of bark bark bark mid-sentence.  *sigh*  So I got up and got myself ready.

I did a couple of illustrations for an animal book, and wrote a bit on a futuristic story that was started a few years ago and I've thought back to it a few times since then wondering why I didn't take it any further than a few paragraphs - added some more to it and it might go somewhere - bit like Fifth Element meets the post office... so far.  Posted my book links around a little and then started getting all the dodgy message requests, of course, as happens. Was up to five just now, and all of them dodgy.  I could have begun editing some more poetry or one of the other stories in my book - maybe the one about the alien, but I sort of just sat back and had a good brain wander, instead.

I had another bowl of that really good chicken, broccoli and orzo soup from the other day, for lunch - it was much thicker today but still very good. There was a small cucumber in the garden so I made cucumber sauce and put it on sushi rice with soy sauce and it was a lot like that cucumber sushi roll from the restaurant, except, not all in one roll.  I still have to think on what to make for dinner - we have kielbasa in the freezer.


I've been eyeing some Japanese fish cake recipes to make with potatoes and my canned mackerel - it looks easy and I have everything for it right there - but I know no one else wants that, so I might have to make it for myself tomorrow after my interview.  We need to use those potatoes up one way or the other.  The ones in the garden are doing good but it will be October / November before it is time to check them for pulling.  Whenever the vines turn yellow.

I sat down to paint this little cat I was working on, and couldn't find the paintbrush I was using last night.  I know I washed it.  I know I brought it upstairs - I was very careful not to leave it downstairs!  But I lost track of where exactly I put it upstairs except 'in a good place, a jar, like where it belongs'  But which jar!?!  Brain : I don't know, a good one?  Not the right one.  I had put it in the pencil cup between the stairs and my computer desk, instead of walking it all the way over to the art table.  As soon as I had washed the other brush and come upstairs it was like 'access granted' to the memory from yesterday and I picked it up on my way to the art table to put away with the other brush.

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