Saturday, September 07, 2024

more cooking

I had a full route today, but it wasn't super long.  I came home and we planned on making meatballs that would last us a few weeks, with the grocery items I got the other day, and our chicken eggs.

I wrote up Mark's recipe at Neurodivergent Cooking : Meatballs to Freeze

It's a fairly normal recipe, but the other version I made isn't.

Fish loaf or Canned mackerel filets with zucchini  Mark called it 'fishloaf' - I thought of it as way of making it something like the meatloaf recipe but using up my canned mackerel out of the cupboard.  Then I served it with my mock sushi-style brown rice, nori seaweed that I like and red chili paste, wasabi and mayonnaise - all on a bed of soy sauce.


Package runs tomorrow, and since I didn't sleep well last night, I'm going to crash.

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