Monday, September 16, 2024

penguin at work


 wireless keyboard and mouse - we ended up putting in a wired keyboard

First day at the office job (still at post office on Saturdays) was good, just got to find out what their processes are and keep my eyes and ears open and not go too fast I miss stuff or mistype stuff because someone is looking over my shoulder.  More to learn tomorrow.  We had a lot of running around after work - going to have to get used to that - because so many things close now right after I get off here (and aren't open when I start!), it's going to be a bit harder to get some things done but not impossible  ie: bank, feed store, etc. both close at 4 and 5.  I did some Japanese at home (woke up way too early again, 3:30 am - stayed up and got ready) and some on my 30 minute lunch break, and finished the rest at home.  Laundry done, lunch made for tomorrow, heading to bed soon - try to sleep more.

After those dog baths yesterday and sitting in an office chair today I think I might have to do some yoga to stretch out my lower back!

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