Wednesday, September 18, 2024

early early long week

 Every day starts early early, even before the alarm, as the dogs begin to bark.  Keep on learning all the new things, so much at once it's like cramming a month into three days so far, and doing a lot of backlog they had stacked up of filing and so forth, trying to keep all the processes separate in my brain - and check check doublecheck every printed thing for typos (two today, *sigh*)  tomorrow is another day.  


//It's also been quite loud there, lots of talking, echoey etc... with a big temperature and humidity difference between the plant and the office, so I have a bit of a headache that I am putting down to that at the moment, besides being tired and needing to drink a lot more liquid that isn't coffee when I'm there.  Putting on my music and setting my alarm (although I expect Sweetie dog to wake me up earlier, and getting back to sleep after that is touch and go)

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