Here is the 'green beginning' I warped up this morning.

The yarn isn't anything special, except the black is an alpaca/silk blend that has been sitting around for a while. I'm mostly just aiming at practicing a bit with what I have.
And a blast from the past, me weaving on my original picture frame loom back when I first started. That is the Fargo apartment, and the weaving became a purse that I carried my sketchbooks to and from work and school in. I remember still having that purse when I graduated college and it had some old notebooks stored in it somewhere last time I saw it. The picture (which I also have stored somewhere) is a black and white silver print from my photography class - it was taken by remote timer and was part of a series on how to weave on a flat loom.

Note: Mark thought there was a hole in my shirt collar in this photo - but the white spot is actually from a flaw on the photographic paper that I developed myself in the darkroom. In fact, it might be a fingerprint.
SpinningLizzy's blog <--very pretty work
Looking forward to seeing what you make.
RheLynn, what a neat blog, and very adorable daughter with such a beautiful name! I'm going to have some fun looking through your old posts.
The picture frame weaving you're starting looks ambitious! I'll be tuning in for updates. Tapestry weaving is definitely something I want to try out down the line.
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