My brother and his wife lost a little girl just a year before they had Benji, so I'm thinking all good thoughts for them - hope this all goes smoothly and the incubator is just routine and not serious. Thanks to all of you for your good wishes too!
It will also be very cool (agreed!) for Esme to have a cousin so close in age she could visit one day. My sister had a boy a year before Benji was born that now lives with his father in Oklahoma, but Benji and his cousin did get to meet once and had a good time together.
Developments around Here
I took Esme up to her grandparent's in the truck today. It was my first time driving with her in the car seat. I can lift her no problem in the car seat now, which was still a little difficult on the 13th of this month. She weighed in at 9 lbs, 3 oz. yesterday :)

I hope everything goes well with the new baby. I'll keep them in my thoughts!
And Esme is just adorable! What a happy photo - makes me smile. :)
I'll keep them in my thoughts! It will be great for Esme to have a cousin nearly her age. She's looking very cute!
Hope everything goes well for Mom and the new baby.
Boogie has a cousin that's about 1 year older. They've met a couple of times and really lurv each other.
My continued thoughts for your SIL, brother, and baby. My heart goes out to their older son. That's rough.
I hope all goes well with your SIL and Elizabeth. And Esme over 9lbs already! Wow!
Please add my thoughts and prayers to your brother and SIL's new baby, and Benji too. Hopefully the baby and mom will be home very soon.
Sending you positive thoughts and prayers for Elizabeth.
Esme looks gorgeous!
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