Tuesday, April 17, 2018

bit o bits

I've increased my Welsh tv watching (via Youtube) to four :
Abadas (the children's show)
Hinterland (British crime drama, but mostly what is on Youtube are interviews)
Tecwyn y Tractor another kids show
and Codi Hwyl, a show about two guys sailing together on a tiny boat around Wales and Ireland.

Several of the chicks died because Gennet would not take to them and they got outside the henhouse and got cold and wet.  Two of those five survived and we warmed them up, dried them off and then Mark went and bought six more.  They are in a cage in Esme's room for now.  I have some wood and chicken wire we can build them a rabbit hutch type coop with.

I get tomorrow and the next day off.  And the weather is supposed to break - at least temporarily  into the 70s and 80s again.  I'm getting a little better with this cold stuff but it is still not giving up on the nose... which works its way to everywhere.

Making yellow split pea soup with kielbasa today to add that to my lunch (and then some it is a big pot)

Yellow split peas, handful of green (washed)
Chicken broth, then enough water to cover
2 potatoes, diced
1 yellow onion, diced

That is bubbling on low heat in the kitchen right now.
I'll add carrots and kielbasa to it later when it has reduced some.
I close at work one more time tonight.

Esme had no idea what I meant by 'closing' ... she was just thoroughly confused even after I tried to explain it twice.  She was having a crisis, though - her clothes weren't washed and I've been sick and closing at work this week and just haven't had time to go dig through her room and pull her laundry out - I did the laundry in the bathroom and our laundry but I don't see hers so I don't get to it until I have time or she tells me needs it.  She had to go to school in a pair with a torn knee this morning because I couldn't get a pair washed and dried in time... I know that is against school dress code but I didn't know what else to do.

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