Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday post, heritage, stew

8:30a     - music song, discuss lyrics
--We've listened to Stand By Me (yesterday) and Lean on Me (today) and discussed the words and what they mean
9a      - wrap package, discuss address parts and postal system, how mail is sorted, history of postmen etc.
9.45a    - break

10.30a    - Paris Heritage center, library, post office
--The lady at the heritage center talked to us about the Civillian Conservation Corp or CCC and showed us some pictures.  I talked to Esme about how older houses were made, and all of the fireplaces, radiators and multiple window/door combinations to keep heat in or let heat out.  We looked at their big dining room, the iron stair banister and the brick fireplaces and walls.  She talked to several people about the age of the house and things that would be happening there next month, and signed the register :)
12p    - break

12.45p    -
1.15p    - Beef stew, cutting meat and kitchen usage
1.30p    -
2p    - beef stew
2.15p    -
2.45p    - done

Ive still been searching for different homeschool styles - and Esme's choice of Greek led me to looking at classical homeschooling... which is similar to the Charlotte Mason.. just the book choices on the lists lead me to many ideas.

I'm hoping I can take Esme to a theatre performance by our local troope here later next week... trying to see if I can arrange for it as it overlaps with my work schedule that day but it would be a great opportunity.  They are doing Mr. Roger's Neighborhood and the tickets are not expensive.

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