Tuesday, May 01, 2012

back and forth

For a short time last night, after gave her some tylenol, Esme was 'full on', no fever and jabbering up a storm about everything.  She ate some yogurt and soup and held it and the medicine down.  She watched a few scenes of a 'scary' movie and was trying to save the characters from sea creatures.  We turned that off because she was much more awake and thinking about it than we thought she would be.  She played Minecraft for a little bit, fishing rod and bow and arrows and made a cake with me.  Like the other day she was in 'fine form' with all of her imagination and plans, more like the Esme of months ago.  But, I was very tired myself and insisted she go back to sleep after a few hours.  She was cool most of the night but then started back up again about 4 am, topping off at 100.5.  I woke her up a few minutes ago to give her the second dose of the antibiotic.  She is not coughing half as hard as before, either.  She kept the medicine in and went back to sleep.  I think it is working, but she didn't get enough of it yesterday to do a good job.  I have to work this afternoon into the night so I am hoping she shows more signs of improvement before I have to go.  I may need to catch more sleep this morning as well, while I can.

It rained very hard twice yesterday.  I am wondering how much the garden liked it - and if anything got beaten down by it!

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