Wednesday, May 23, 2012


We have lost Mr.Henry today, our Grandpa, Mark's father. He had been sick and in pain for so long, we are glad he is no longer in pain, and sad as well in many ways. We are trying to support Grandma wherever she needs it... foisted myself on her kitchen to cook her a meal tonight so we could all be together. I hope she will get some rest tonight, as she had not gotten much the last few days. Remember we will help with anything that is needed or be there if you would like....

Mark and her will have things to do tomorrow - so I am staying home with Esme to give them all of the time they might need without having to hold on to her in a strange place. I have tried to tell Esme what happened tonight after we returned home.. but she doesn't really get it, or does not believe it is not just another hospital stay... I don't want to press the issue until she asks further. She said she DOES want to help Grandma and to hug her. She said she would be a strong girl and help Grandma tomorrow.

I had the day off today - and was keeping my mind off of things early in the day by using my sewing machine. These are pictures of Esme in a new pink shirt. I know Grandma will like to see the pictures. I asked her what to make and she picked out the fabric and said it should be a shirt sweater. I used a 1949 sewing pattern Simplicity 2948 size 4 and was too short for her. It really was a mock up putting the eyelet lace on around it to change it from a bolero to a shirt.

Simplicity 2948
size 4, copyright 1949

It is not my best work but she seems to like it and it is the kind of thing that grows on you over time... The Singer Heavy Duty does make things a little easier in general... it was a quick sew up until the point I realized I would have to make up three to four inches on the bottom to cover her belly button!

her impression of a monkey at a tea party

And they pick a flower for the king lady and it is like this (pick petals)
The funnier thing is that she was a king lady and her puppy Loula was a queen. That raised my eyebrows!

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