Wednesday, September 01, 2010

well enough

I'm not well, but well enough - so I'm going into work. Mostly it is coughing up the junk out of my lungs now and dealing with the headache that comes with that, and flashes of fever coming and going. But my nose isn't running down my face and I'm not coughing terribly and I can stay awake for more than an hour at a time... so...

Esme was cute this morning. She was all ready for a bath and perky perky little girl at 7 in the morning. And then she gave up eating her applejacks to go play with the little cat, putting her in a big box and laughing when she got out - playing 'cat basketball' putting her back in again and again and picking her up after she got out. The cat was cooperating. This is the last one that was left from the outside litter and we would like to give it away, too... but haven't managed to yet. Ninja thinks it is a wonderful playmate and is usually found not too far away from the games.

Esme was trying to repeat the word 'assistance' from me this morning, which was cute - and she might need to hear that one a few more times to differentiate it from Wallace and Gromit 'assistance' which is being hit with a large hammer when Wallace is too fat to fit through the fireman's hole in his floor. ha! She is picking up more and more words and longer ones - trying to say a lot more that we understand and then goes off on long running sentences that we have to very listen very closely to. She corrected me this morning when I asked her if she wanted to take a 'bathtub', and said NO MUMUM 'take a bath'. Uh.. yea, that works too ;) I've always said take a bathtub to her because she never used to understand 'take a bath' the same way!

One of her new bathtub games is to line up her marker covers (little cylinders 2 inches long and have an open hole on one side) on the side of the tub and put superballs on top of each one - then say it is a 'burfday cake' and blow on them. She's getting in practice! She still won't answer how old she is, or will be - but she knows birthday has a cake and you blow on candles and sing a badly sung rendition of the song.

We watched Date Night last night and it was pretty good. Mark was sweet and remembered I had wanted to see it, so when he was out for supplies he rented it from our local shop.

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