Monday, September 06, 2010

little green dress (with photos)

McCall's M5606

This is the pattern, a modern-day buy, I made her very first dress ever out of - but was cut out as a "size 1" for her first birthday... and it didn't fit her until recently. So I thought I would try to make another one and see where the size problem was -- and so far even my second one out of that pattern looks like a size 3 -- so it is the pattern. I've been making her size 3's out of vintage AND modern patterns and this looks like that size!

Got home from work at a weird time tonight - neither 'early' nor 'late' ... right at 5 pm. Esme was asleep when I got home, so I started cutting out a sewing project. Tried to get her up at about 7:30 and she was very very grumpy, didn't want to eat - sniffing and snorting... so I ran her a steamy bath and put her in it. Her mood improved almost immediately. I finished cutting the little dress out while she was taking her bath. She was halfway liking Mumum being literally around the corner when she was in the bath and somehow missing the constant interaction at the same time. She is very loud in the bath - so it is easy to hear what she is doing and she answers 'this is fun' or 'yes I like it' and yells back and forth ideas. I kept peeking in every few minutes and she would show me her birthday candle game or superballs or kitty and horsie etc... and I would check the bath temp and go back to cooking her fishstick and cutting out dress bits. When the fishstick was done I asked her to put away, and she did. 'Otay! (grumble grumble)' Then she got her fishstick and I started to sew the dress together while she watched some TV and ate. After she was done eating I let her play 'fishy' with some yarn and the cats for a while, as long as she didn't start screaming about something or other - which after a good amount of work, she did. Then it was time for her to go to bed. I have it ready to finish the little bits at work and I hope it fits her well. It is a fabric from a tank type shirt I bought on clearance earlier in the year - but never liked the way it fit. She did think the fabric was pretty and I have been waiting to do something with it.

Esme is coming down a little with the cold - she had a good day with Grandma and Grandpa earlier for a little bit and then crashed for her nap. She was quite difficult tonight in between things... unlike herself, and I was sewing, which didn't help her :( Usually she would have popped up beside me on her checkwriter table and tried to pull me away every few minutes with chatter and toys and scenarios - but she mostly ran around and cried about the cats not cooperating with her, and refused to have her pants changed etc... I am hoping she will feel better tomorrow but at least she didn't have a fever, just sniffles and the occasional wheeze or cough. And she ate almost all her dinner - 2 fish sticks, strawberry jello, some fruit cocktail and graham crackers.

Eating apple jacks first thing this morning
I've always said she has Mark's eyebrows, they look particularily swoopy this morning in the pale light

She is still a little sniffly this morning but not as bad as yesterday - so definitely need to get her another steam bath in tonight when I get home, if she is awake.

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