Six am is usually 'Kitten Attack Hour' at our house. However, usually I am not in possession of both my wits and a camera at the right time ;o) Well, this morning I was. **Notice in that first picture Sally's feet are not touching the ground at all!**
KNITTING NEWS : 5 white dishcloths, 2 red, 1 white on the needles. I'm going to run out of white yarn ;o)
Link: KnitStory blog is having a problem with overflowing bookcases. I'm sure a lot of us can relate to that! (peers at her desk and seven bookshelves crammed full) Hmmm.... Swatchy is getting far on her beautiful fair-isle sweater!
The Beekeeper's Apprentice is safely back on its way to Sweetwater, TN, about 300 miles from here! The last part of the last chapter seemed so strange, although that's not a good word for it. The apathy she felt after being injured wasn't really resolved, although the little girl's letter helped some. Chris, you said there is a sequel? I'm going to have to think about that.
I saw 'Tears of the Giraffe' by Alexander McCall Smith, at the library. I don't know if I want to add another new author to my list yet... especially with all the CSS and office-troubles we've had in the past week. *sigh* I stayed up till 1:00 am, night-owl-knitting, and got up promptly at 6:30 with the alarm, and I want to clean furiously... I can tell I'm worried :o(
I saw 'Tears of the Giraffe' by Alexander McCall Smith, at the library. I don't know if I want to add another new author to my list yet... especially with all the CSS and office-troubles we've had in the past week. *sigh* I stayed up till 1:00 am, night-owl-knitting, and got up promptly at 6:30 with the alarm, and I want to clean furiously... I can tell I'm worried :o(
I saw the no feet on the ground - very cool!! Did you have sport mode enabled or something?! Those are great shots.
I'm using a 'PowerShot A70' now, different from before. It is a spare camera to borrow at work. As far as I've seen, it just has two settings. 'P' (using natural light and long shutter speeds) and 'AUTO' which usually flashes and catches action.
These were done with AUTO. Sorry I can't be more precise with this camera's settings. There might be more to it -- I'll have to look it up. (There is no book with its case)
There are about six books following The Beekeeper's Apprentice. :)
I think that some of the ambivalence at the end of the first book gets resolved in the next book or two, if that helps!
I'll tell you a secret... those Alexander McCall-Smith books just don't do a thing for me. I must be almost the only person in the world who feels like that...
:( about the stress and insomnia. Um, at least it's giving you positive cleaning energy?!
LOL, yes that is a strange positive ;o}
The back-blurb on that book looked a little iffy, I do admit. I'm glad you gave me your opinion on them. Maybe I will rent out the 'Complete' Sherlock Holmes at our library and see what I've missed. It is a HUGE volume (wonders what is in there).
Cool action shots! And the comfy nap together afterwards. Cats are so cute.
I couldn't get into the Alexander McCall-Smith books either. Sherlock Holmes sounds much better.
Hi Carrie, nice to meet you!
Wow-- it looks like the jury is out on McCall-Smith!
I love the action shots. Hmmm, maybe we need another cat to give Trout something to do (and help her lose some pounds).
I thought I read the Beekeeper's Apprentice but can't remember it. (I have read too many books sometimes I can't remember.) I am thinking of going back to work at Barnes and Noble over the summer as a 2nd job and can't wait to get at all those books again.
Rhiannon: Oh! I miss all the bookstores :o( and the coffee! We went on a mini-vacation one Friday to Jackson, to a 'Dalton-Kidd' bookstore, and it just wasn't the same :o(
To Everyone! :
So, what kind of coffee (or coffee-drink) do you like best?
I could not get into the Laurie King books although I listened to a couple on tape or CD. The McCall-Smith books are better to listen to. The reader has a marvelous voice & does the accents very well. I have listened to most of them on CD while walking. My daughter *loves* the Laurie King books, has read all of them.
Thank you Deborah, the 'Tears of the Giraffe' WAS on tape... hmm... except the only tape player I have atm is in our truck.
I'll really have to think about this, as soon as my mom's birthday package gets out in the mail next week.
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