Thursday, October 10, 2024


 Mark's nephew and his wife came through Hurricane Milton just fine, which is a relief.  It's been nearly a month at the new job, and they told me the amount of product we're shipping out is unprecedented.   After a few more weeks the warehouse will be nearly empty, except for what they are making now, and the materials they have to make it with (which are a lot, though).  The manager is selling it, and I'm setting up transportation, and the warehouse crew is loading it up.  The warehouse crew said it was more work than they wanted right now - but they were also having a really hard time finding things that had been squirreled away for months and months and hadn't been selling... so, it's going to be good in the future to have that old stuff gone and be able to organize putting the new stuff in ways they can get to it.. right?  They had already claimed it was ruining their sanity trying to figure out where to put the new stuff a few weeks ago...

 For spreadsheet practice at work I made a 'shipping price trend analysis chart' showing all of the prices they have paid for freight to every destination from the records they had kept (already on another screen that I update daily) since the company was bought out.  They had told me to play around with the spreadsheet program and see what I could make it do in whatever free time I wasn't cleaning etc.. and since I am calling and scheduling and taking bids on these freight trips - I thought it would be a useful tool as well.

I did Japanese and Turkish and French today at work, (before work clockin, at lunch and at afternoon break) although just a tiny bit of the last two.  Then I tried Spanish and failed badly on the verb cases and spellings.  Came home and punched out the next module on the much higher level PC Duolingo profile - but had a lot more time to work on it after dinner.  After work I had also put another cheap new tire on the mail truck and got a bit of groceries - not everything, but some.  Tired now, headed for bed.

I still think often : Why is a forty-five year old geek girl in Tennessee learning bits and pieces of so many languages?  And then I think .. why not?  I could put the same amount of effort into mathematics, accounting, business etc... and not get as much joy and progress out of it.  It's taken a long time to find out I was actually good at languages, after being told for so long that I couldn't possibly be (because of the speech impediment and dyslexia)... so I'm enjoying this thing my brain can do :)  and have to keep finding ways to make it more useful, but that is second chair to actually enjoying learning.

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