Sunday, August 18, 2024

work weekend done


Went out and delivered packages today, came home and started a new orchard on the Stardew Valley game.  Have been doing Japanese for the past few days trying to catch myself up a little.  We also watched several Studio Ghibli movies, and I could recognize more of the writing and some of the words in subtitles on the Ponyo movie.  We watched The Cat Returns tonight, and  I had not ever seen that one before.  Mark made a sloppy-joe type sauce and mixed it with day old white rice he had in the fridge - and it was very good.  I haven't done quite that combination and the starch tasted much different than with 'new' rice.  

We all worked together and transplanted the coleus we made cuttings from two weeks ago into a new bed outside.  Those were the prettiest cuttings we selected, and the resulting small plants are very pretty, indeed.  We have to start thinking about harvesting seed from the entire field soon - which is how we got so many coleus this year, from harvesting seed from just a few big plants last year.  I saw a whole family of little cedar waxwing type birds enjoying the seeds on that and several other vines on the fence today - I called Esme out of her room so she could see them twittering about with each other and walking upside-down on the vines.

I have used some of this yellow mustard seed before - and added it and some fennel (and celery seed and black pepper) to a pea soup I made yesterday, and finished eating today.  I'm trying to keep this sinus infection in check, and it is much less than it was yesterday and the day before.  It's almost clear today but now I have to worry about the congestion still.  I haven't had one of these type of sinus infections in months, and then I get it in the summer... figures.  I used to get these infections every few months when I worked at the dusty hardware store and was in the public daily constantly exposed to everyone else's germs - so I know what to do for them, but still.. I'd like this one to move on (and it only will through drinking as much liquids as possible : soup and teas (spearmint/licorice in coffee, ginger licorice in coffee and the eucalyptus 'throat tamer' stuff that used to be sold as Mama Bear's Cold Care) and steam, avoiding sugar and milk (not easy) a decongestant once in a while, and trying not to get into any more dust and sneezing myself into a worse situation.  I have some brown mustard seed and some caraway seed I have never used much of - from the same time I bought the mustard and fennel above - may try some of both of those if I make some more soda bread this week.

I don't have work again until Friday, unless someone calls.  Mark wants me to run and get a few groceries tomorrow that we didn't know we were out of until today.  If I had known when I was in town, today, I would have gotten them then.

Daphne's legs seem to be a little better, but she is still stiff at times - probably after running through the woods and then stretching out on the gravel to sleep - I told her she needs to stop running around after deer and rabbits with the other dogs and just let her pulled muscles heal up.

On the Japanese I'm doing the low level on the phone, and the higher level on the computer, and then Clozemaster as well.  I didn't do babadum today but I might go do at least twenty cards there now before I go back to extending Alma's orchard (the character above, in Stardew Valley)  'Alma' means apple in Hungarian :)  and a few other languages, as well.  Right now I just have acorns or maple seeds planted where the fruit trees will go (as the fruit trees are expensive and she is still in her first Spring, saving up to get one of each I want to know where I'm going to put them).

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