Thursday, August 15, 2024


 I've gotten the beginning of school cold, along with the bus driver and all the kids and moms etc.. saw so much complaining of it online this morning, and well, for the past few days, too.  Esme had a little bit of it a few days ago, and I gave her lots of tea, some pineapple juice and made her eat soup as 'prep'.  

So today, I made myself some pea soup with onions and spices, and have drank most of the jar, as well as forcing lots of other liquids down myself that is difficult (I really don't too well drinking liquids stomach does not take kindly to regular liquids (coffee it is fine with) and I have to drink slowly or it comes back up) but chicken broth, coffee, tea, soup ... I've gotten it down and just kept at it, and then took several naps.  It is so hot right now, 97 today, that I guess it is needed all around.



old picture, but basically this, except blended very fine

Did pull myself up about noon and 'tilted myself towards town' as I told Mark - so that I could make sure Esme had juice and a few other things we needed to get.  If I don't feel much better tomorrow, it would have been harder to do that.  And I'm scheduled for the weekend.


Suggested they eat a pizza for dinner and I crashed after drinking more soup.  Got up and fed the animals, watered the garden, drank three more containers of liquid... did some language exercises.  I'm going to 'tilt myself towards bed' again soon and sleep as much as I can, it has helped immensely each time after drinking lots of fluid, sleep until I have to wake up etc etc... 

Languages : French, Japanese, more Chinese and Chinese characters (using Clozemaster, and DL both).  The French is high-level grammar, the Japanese is mid-level still learning lots of vocabulary, and the Chinese is extremely elementary introduction lessons.

watched a video about surprising yourself with language learning, and I had just been in a discussion on a language board earlier in the morning about using lots and lots of different methods, and switching languages in order to 'give my brain a vacation' from the priority language (which for me, is really French) and the other languages (Japanese, as example) in order to keep things lively and realize just how much you know or don't know when you switch or come back after a 'hiatus'.

I played babadum in Japanese for a little while, and definitely felt that - I've done a lot of Japanese lately on Duolingo, but being thrown the hiragana and a word you can only hear once, and then picking the picture for lots of things you haven't actually ever been shown - that is a great learning experience. 

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