Monday, January 15, 2024

Snow 2024


Mark says at least four inches - maybe as much as 6 in some places

I went into work in the post office this morning - fraught drive in, fraught drive back - they sent us home with a bit of pay for making the trip.  I was glad to be home and safe.  There's more snow in the forecast, and Esme is off school for much of the week now... we'll see how the rest of the week goes, but we might be in through the next weekend.

Esme brought a few things up to Grandma for her birthday yesterday, before the snow started in.  I've been knitting some since we got home, and doing French.  When it's this cold outside, I've been 'counting noses' every few hours and definitely every time I get up in the night, making sure no one is left outside.  The chickens are even being smart enough to use their house outside - they usually roost on top of it under the canopy, which makes me roll my eyes - but they're chickens... after this snow, they split between the house and the little igloo next to it (two roosters) and I hope that is better because last year the ones that insisted on staying on the roof anyway frostbit their combs and it took a good while for the tissue to get better.

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