Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Crochet Rug, Winter Weather, and Snow

This weather ( 9 degrees, 4+ inches of snow on the ground, more snow in the forecast, and no above freezing temps until the end of the week) just goes to show you what all that knitting and crocheting multiple pairs of gloves, scarves, slipper socks, blankets and rugs for the house really is worth... it's so nice to come in from fighting chicken water dishes frozen to the ground (they're great now) and snow falling all over you from the netting above the yard to change into dry things, have a dry pair of gloves ready to go for later and sit down to a project and be warm.

This is a second crochet rug, as I was using the first one to stand on to peel potatoes and fry onions yesterday in the kitchen, and all the animals were playing musical chairs with it, some even sitting on my feet while I was standing on it.  I had emptied an old hamper a few weeks ago that was full of 'not really used things' from years ago, and found that and decided it was in good shape to wash and put into use somewhere.  I had put it in the bathroom where I put on my socks and shoes and it was often commandeered by a cat there.  Last night, on the concrete floor with 9 degree temps outside, I decided I wanted it while I was cooking as the chill was coming even through two layers of socks.  So, it might be worth making more than one.

Working on some more French - then I might spin the wheel and see what language I land on and see if I want to switch for a bit.  I was being spoken to in Spanish and trying to respond in a dream last week, and told the person I could actually understand about twelve languages 'well'.. and then when asked further, that I had studied up to 22.  A bit after that I woke up and told myself I wasn't really doing that well in most of them, which is why 'dream me' would only admit to 12 until pressed.  I found that interesting enough to note for the future, even in my dreams, I underestimate because I'm worried I really don't know enough.



donc se crois - sitting here crocheting on this and thinking, you know, now of all times you have a few days to do this without your hands hurting too much to drive tomorrow, you should probably string up your loom, (but no, I have this project, why start another?) when else will you have the time to start it much less work on it - and the last three projects off that loom are in well-good use right now (pillow on bed, mat on footstool, bag full of stuff) so it'll be worth it eventually, and kick yourself into the kitchen and start some white beans to soaking, as well, since you never have the time to do that.

arguing over who gets to sit in the sunbeam

little black cat (Minion) went out and came right back in... even with the sun up out there it is just so cold.  Lyffan (other fuzzy butt above) keeps popping her tailless Manx butt out the door over and over again, and I make sure I get her back in after a few minutes.  The Manx kittens can't make hardly any noise unless you accidentally step on them (or the goat does, that happens with some frequency, as the goat is blind) - so I get worried when they head outdoors in this weather.  All the other dogs and the mama cat and the goat can make themselves heard - but the kittens barely squeak you can be right next to them and not believe you've actually heard it.

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